Claire de Nature™ cosmetics series is a harmonious combination of organic ingredients, natural oils, plant extracts and unique patented complexes. Innovative complex designed in the lab of Claire de Nature™ is one of the active ingredients that compose the products for each particular skin type.
Every cosmetic product Claire de Nature™ is developed basing upon the peculiarities of specific skin type to achieve superior results.
Products are made only from natural and organic ingredients, using the latest developments in cosmetic industry. Using only natural fatty oils and best plant extracts collected in clean areas, we create the perfect makeup for charming women.
The products contain no harmful substances, only natural vitamins and elements that are needed for flawless everyday look of skin.
Important ingredients are unique patented complexes HyalurosmoothTM, IrvinolTM, ArganylTM, BetapurTM, ElastanTM.
Special formulation combined with innovative complexes is just what we need for deep moisturizing, softening, protection and natural radiance of your skin.